Photo: Channon Ryan

PinkFiz lets her frustrations fly on the feminist punk “Did I Ask?”

As much as we like to think that gender equality is within touching distance, there’s undoubtedly still a long way to go – especially in industries like music. Last week we heard from M(h)aol with their furious “Asking For It”, and today we get a song from 18-year-old Cambridgeshire artist PinkFiz called “Did I Ask?”, on an unsettlingly similar theme, reminding us that toxic male behaviour is something that clearly needs more attention. She says:

“I wrote this song about the phrase “she was asking for it” because I was really angry that day about it and I needed to get all my frustration about it into words and into a song. I am very passionate about fighting for equality and about making opportunities for everyone the same. As a female guitarist, I have been overlooked in the past and disregarded and I’ve often felt invalidated and seen as not as good as my male peers. I also recalled being robbed of opportunities in school and begging for a chance to play something more technical and difficult but the parts I would ask for were always given to an older male teacher without me having a shot at trying them.”

While “Did I Ask?” toils in disgusting and deeply inappropriate acts and attitudes, PinkFiz still ensures it’s a riot to listen to. Quicksilver guitars underline her quick witted and perfectly tripping voice, as she runs circles around her oppressors with sharp observations and cutting put downs. “Did I Ask?” is also deadly in its sonic dynamism, with plenty of tension-building moments that really power the song forward through these dark scenes and drive the singer’s point home.

You can find PinkFiz on Instagram.