R.I.P. Donna Summer

This has been a sad few months. I’m posting this behind most other news sources, frankly, because I wasn’t quite sure what to say. For most music listeners checking this site – or any other of our type – Donna Summer was before your time, before our times. However, chances are she’s impacted each and every one of us, at least to some extent.

Donna Summer used to ring about my house, my mom completely unwilling to let go of her period of dominance, much like any of us, sticking loyally to our nineties memories. And what a period of domination it was: once upon a time, the lady had four #1 chart toppers in a year. I’ve yet to check (and am afraid to), but I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say Drake hasn’t pulled that off.

It’s easy to ignore the pop music our parents played, but it’s far more truthful to recognize its impact. Speaking personally, I know the sounds of Donna Summer influenced my musical growth at a very young age, so it’d be wrong for me not to show respect, show respect to the queen of disco. The singing legend passed away after a long battle with cancer, which she sought to keep away from the public and her fans as much as possible. She was also working diligently on a new album, which hopefully we’ll hear one of these days. That said, a note to the label: show her the respect she deserves, if it’s going to sound anything like Michael (the crap album Epic released to capitalize on Michael Jackson’s passing), just don’t do it. I’ll leave you with what’s quite possibly Mrs. Summer’s most obvious song, but today, what could be more appropriate?