Listen: Brett Naucke – “Endless Royalty”

Brett Naucke

When he’s not making unexpectedly shifting, aqueous electronic music, Brett Naucke runs the Catholic Tapes cassette and vinyl label out of Chicago.  Recently, he stepped out from the distribution side of music to release his vinyl debut The Visitor on Nihilist Records.  Switching effortlessly between analog experimentation and digital manipulation, Naucke makes music that feels like it could be carried away on the slightest breeze but also feels drawn from the deepest and darkest reaches of the ocean.  Bubbling synths and minimalist samples are scattered across slowly dissolving landscapes and constantly moving electronic textures.  “Endless Royalty,” the latest song to be released from The Visitor, feels like a tidal cousin to Basinski’s The Disintegration Loops, though a good deal more optimistic.  Stream the track below.