Deerhunter Live in Concert [Film Trailer]

Deerhunter have teamed up with director John Albrecht to produce a DVD of their live performances (or maybe just one particular live performance, it’s unclear). Anybody who has seen Deerhunter live will know that transferring that raw noise and extreme volume to film cannot have been an easy task, but judging from the trailer it appears Albrecht may have achieved something special here, at the very least he has visually captured the magic.

Check out the trailer below.

deerhunter live – film trailer from John Albrecht on Vimeo.

More details about this release are scarce, all that we can really tell you is what is in the trailer; it’s a Deerhunter live performance DVD, shot and directed by John Albrecht and will be released at some point in 2010. We’ll keep you up to date on further developments.