BPM Team’s Personal 2024 Round-ups Rob Hakimian, Kyle Kohner, Larry McClain and John Wohlmacher·January 6, 2025As 2024 quickly disappears from the rearview, but before 2025 really roars into life, a few of our team members have taken the time to share their own personal views on the year that was.Best of 2024Features
Album Review: Armlock – Seashell Angel Lucky Charm Kyle Kohner·September 30, 2024The influence that Alex G has had in shaping indie music today is undeniable, which, for any artist...Album ReviewsReviews
BPM Curates: June 2024 Rob Hakimian, Jasper WIllems, Ray Finlayson, Larry McClain, John Amen, Chase McMullen and Kyle Kohner·July 1, 2024Our monthly playlist of the team's essential new songsBPM Curates PlaylistsFeatures
BPM Team’s Personal 2021 Round-ups Chase McMullen, Rob Hakimian, Ray Finlayson, John Wohlmacher, Jasper WIllems, Kyle Kohner, Joshua Pickard, Jeremy J. Fisette, John Amen, Carlo Thomas, Mimi Kenny, Aleksandr Smirnov and Ethan Reis·December 23, 2021A space for our writers to give their own individual round-ups of their year in music (or anything else).Best of 2021Features
Armlock relive the fiery breakdown of a relationship on the subtly simmering “Turf War” Rob H·May 4, 2021Australian duo Armlock, with members who were formerly in I’lls and kllo, are releasing their debut album Trust...News & Track Reviews
Armlock trudge through reality on the dejected dreamer “Power of a Waterfall”, announce debut album Rob H·April 6, 2021Armlock is a new Australian duo featuring Simon Lam and Hamish Mitchell, who were previously in I’lls (and...News & Track Reviews