Photo: Jade Sadler

spill tab channels her frustration and insecurity with a partner into the addictive “Name”

LA-based French-Korean artist Claire Chicha aka spill tab has been releasing singles throughout 2020, each one as essential as the one before. Today she releases her final one, “Name”, which also completes her debut EP Oatmilk, which you can hear in full on streaming platforms – but you wouldn’t want to miss out on her new video.

Of “Name”, she explains: “I was having a really weird day with my significant other on the day I made ‘Name’. I was feeling confused and insecure around this person that I liked and that made me want to blame all our problems on him. The idea of giving back a first name is a reference to all the little endearing nicknames you give to someone you’re dating in exchange for their real name, and when the relationship ends you basically have to trade those back in for their first name. So being the one to give back his first name basically means being the one to call it quits.”

spill tab is full of swagger and energy on “Name”, as it seems she has passed the point of blaming herself for her relationship issues and is instead ready to strike outwards. It makes for a lively and immediately-quotable bop that doesn’t pull any punches – and is all the better for it. The only thing “Name” has going against it is that it’s less than two minutes – but that just means you’ll have to listen to it several times, and spill tab has undoubtedly loaded it with enough charm and liveliness to make it impervious to being played to death.

Listen to “Name” on streaming platforms, or watch the excellent drinking-and-dancing in the street video below.

spill tab’s Oatmilk EP is out now. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.