Photo: Alice Dellal

Muck Spreader invite us to a tense and turbulent ritual in “Take Flight”, from their new EP

Muck Spreader released their incendiary debut EP Rodeo Mistakes in September, but they’re already back with news of an eight track follow up called Abysmal, which arrives on July 9 through Brace Yourself Records. They’ve previewed the EP with the opening track “Take Flight”, saying:

Fasten your seatbelts, find your nearest exit, and in the event of an emergency please assume the brace position. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. You are now in the safe hands of Captain Frosty Theodore, and the crew will do everything in their power to Keep it Mucky Take Flight”

“Take Flight” does everything a quality opening track should do: namely, put you firmly in place in your seat, introduce to the world of Muck Spreader, and leave you bracing for what’s coming next. It may only be two minutes, but “Take Flight” throws us vividly into the band’s unhinged world, where pyres of hallucinogenic brass rise like heatwaves, whistling analogue sounds wrap around the cranium, and a synth bass shoves us deeper into their lair. Luke Brennan meets us in the centre of this ritualistic sound with a wail, before he starts unravelling words that are visceral, paranoid and unsettlingly deranged – as if he’s seen through the facade of modern life and realised it’s all one giant hoax that he needs to take down with his scattershot barbs from his rapid fire tongue.

Listen to “Take Flight” on streaming platforms or watch the video below.

Muck Spreader’s Abysmal EP arrives on July 9 via Brace Yourself (pre-order/save). You can find the band on Facebook and Instagram.