Photo: Seren Carys

Katy J Pearson lets her vulnerability flow on “Those Goodbyes”, announces new Bullion-produced album

British treasure Katy J Pearson will release a new album called Someday, Now through Heavenly Recordings on 20 September. It was produced with Nathan Jenkins, aka Bullion, with Pearson saying:

“I knew exactly who I wanted to work with, I knew exactly who my session band were going to be, I knew where I wanted to record. It felt like I was finally calling the shots for myself, and that was so empowering.”

She has also shared the album’s opening track “Those Goodbyes”, saying:

“It’s funny, I used to feel like I had to go high for people to hear the vulnerability, but actually, singing in your natural range and being relaxed in it — I think there’s something a lot more vulnerable about that.”

“I know you’re gonna do it / make me feel stupid” goes the earworm chorus, but it feels more triumphant than downcast, as Pearson takes control of her insecurity and gets on top of them by acknowledging them. It also helps that its set to the most confident backing we’ve heard from her yet; a loping indie pop gem bolstered by synths, glitches and piano that emboldens the song’s heart and melodies.

Watch the video for “Those Goodbyes” below or find the song on streamers.

Katy J Pearson’s new album Someday, Now arrives on 20 September through Heavenly Recordings (pre-order/save). You can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.