Sometimes you hear a song that’s an instant classic – destined to be remembered with the best work from Taylor Swift, Alanis Morissette and Maggie Rogers. Nashville artist Leni Black’s new single “Growing Up Is Painful” is in that category.
It’s hard to believe that an artist this accomplished was ever bullied, but that’s exactly what happened to Black in her Maryland high school. This song connects powerfully with anyone who was ever ignored or mistreated in their teens.
“The song came to life with songwriter Israel McFarland,” says Black. “We were messing around with a chord progression I liked and then the melody came out for the chorus pretty quickly. I was talking about how there’s a fine line between pain and joy. From the surface, it could have a negative connotation but I have experienced so much growth in the painful things in life.”
She adds: “Luke Borchelt and I both hail from Maryland and I knew I wanted to incorporate growing up in my hometown, so he helped me craft the verses and bridge. My high school was torn down about five years ago, and replaced by an entirely new school. I was bullied a lot in that school – and remembering my first heartbreak brought me back to why I started writing songs in the first place. My coping mechanisms have been around since I was younger: running five miles outside on a trail and writing songs on my bed. This is a song I could have used for myself back then.”
Listen to “Growing Up Is Painful” below, or find it on the streaming services.