MP3s: Twin Sister – “In Heaven” and “You Remind Me Of”

The first single from Twin Sister’s upcoming LP In Heaven was released yesterday, and as is custom with music these days, the b-sides, “In Heaven” and “You Remind Me Of,” have made their way on to the internet, and we have them for you to download below. Those of you who are paying attention will have noted that “In Heaven” has not made it on to the album In Heaven. Upon listening, it’s pretty evident as to way; the song is an instrumental, not that that makes in unenjoyable, but it’s not the kind of song you’d stick in the middle of an album. “You Remind Me Of” goes almost entirely the other way, with Andrea Estella accompanied solely by a plucked guitar.

Check out both songs below, and we’ve also thrown in “Bad Street” too, in case you missed it.

In Heaven is coming out on Domino Records on September 27th.