I can’t help but imagine that Frog Eyes would have felt at home in the late-70s era of dingy punk clubs and chaotic band evolutions — that is, if their latest single, “Television, a Ghost in My Head”, is any indication. The track recalls the melodic ruptures of Rich Kids or The Only Ones, bands who weren’t afraid to put some shine on their choruses and approach the edge of pop(ish) sounds while still managing to maintain their madcap punk aesthetics. The guitar riffs are scruffy and wiry and stick like industrial adhesive to your brain. The drums are minimal but effective and coast on some groovy rhythms. It’s pop-art punk for disenfranchised hooligans. Frog Eyes have always catered to their own unique creative whims, upending expectations from one moment to the next. And with this latest song, they once again block out everything but their own collective thoughts and deliver a scraggly rock anthem for 2025 (and for 1977).
Listen below.
The Open Up is due out March 7 via Paper Bag Records. You can pre-order the album here. Follow the band on Facebook, X, and Instagram.