Single Review: Panda Bear – Tomboy 7″

[Paw Tracks; 2010]

It’d be a bit of an understatement to say that Noah Lennox is on a hot streak. From 2007’s Person Pitch to his guest turn on Pantha du Prince’s 2010 effort, Lennox’s Midas run isn’t anything to shake a stick at. Few people can collaborate with such a wide range of people and consistently turn in brilliant performances. And that’s not even mentioning his efforts with that other band of his. Certainly the heap of hype surrounding Lennox’s every musical maneuver has been overwhelming, but as his work shows it’s deserved.

And it’s deserved no less so here on the Tomboy 7”. These first two songs from Panda Bear’s long awaited follow up to the aforementioned Person Pitch are, well, outstanding. The harmonies, the samples, all of that is still here, but the melodies are slightly more subdued. “Tomboy” finds Lennox doing a bit more guitar playing than was present on Person Pitch, and “Slow Motion” is unlike, well, anything he’s done thus far. It’s a bit like if Person Pitch were taken and recorded underwater, with a bunch of handclaps and an echo unit. Either way, if you’ve even remotely enjoyed any of the work that any Animal Collective affiliated project has done in the last ten years, then you owe it to yourself to hear this, because this is about as good as it gets.
