Radhika Vekaria aspires to “Liberate”

Some pop songs claim to be healing, but they pale in comparison to the genuine healing you’ll derive from Radhika Vekaria’s new album Warriors of Light. The LA artist combines Sanskrit, Tamil and English to fuse ancient mantras with contemporary themes and melodies. One gem from the new album is “Liberate (Maha Mrityunjaya)”.

“In my darkest moments, when words abandoned me, I discovered the transformative power of ancient sounds,” says Vekaria. “The resonance of Sanskrit and Tamil mantras became my allies, their vibrations a bridge to a deeper truth and state of being. These were not just words but potent sounds imbued with the wisdom and strength of millennia. They became my warriors, each chant a beacon of light piercing through the darkness. The silence finally began to release me.”

Radhika is perhaps the only artist who has collaborated with pop giants like Prince and meditation teachers like Deepak Chopra. This month, she’ll share the stage with Chopra at Harvard University’s Sages and Scientists Symposium.

Millions of people on our war-torn, anxiety-riddled planet could desperately use an album like this. Radhika is playing the GRAMMY® Museum in L.A. in a few weeks – and let’s hope she wins a Grammy for this radiant collection.

Listen to “Liberate” below, and find Radhika’s Warriors of Light album on the streaming services.

Follow Radhika Vekaria on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.