Photo: Lindsey Byrnes

Madame Gandhi is transcendent on “Rise!”

Versatile artist Kiran Gandhi, aka Madame Gandhi, is unique in the pop world because her songs offer an irresistible blend of dream-pop, rap and Indian music. Her new single “Rise!” is spiritually uplifting and downright fun.

Madame Gandhi has a David Byrne-like curiosity that has taken her to the ends of the earth – literally. She has visited both the Arctic Circle and Antarctica to record the sounds of glaciers melting with hydrophones she built herself at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. She notes: “I’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from nature. This is about realizing that we are nature.”

Many pop songs claim to be empowering, but Madame Gandhi’s music effortlessly achieves that and more. Many of the tracks on her upcoming album Let Me Be Water (due in May) have intriguingly cosmic titles like “The Universe Expands With Me” and “Letter From A Higher Self.” This is music meant for joyous, open-eyed meditation (and perhaps a little micro-dosing).

Listen to “Rise!” below, or find it on the streaming services.

Follow Madame Gandhi on Instagram.