Album Review: Jacaszek – Glimmer Will Ryan·January 11, 2012Classical isn’t unchartered territory in any realm of electronic music that can call samples its weapon of choice....Album Reviews
Album Review: The Weeknd – Echoes Of Silence Will Ryan·January 10, 2012At this point it’s worth applauding Abel Tesfaye for simply accomplishing what he set out to achieve in...Album ReviewsRecommended
Album Review: Olafur Arnalds – Living Room Songs Ray Finlayson·January 10, 2012Although Icelandic multi-instrumentalist and composer Ólafur Arnalds has admirably stepped out of his classical realm in the past...Album Reviews
Album Review: Guided By Voices – Let’s Go Eat the Factory Harriet Suits Baer·January 9, 2012The word “classic” gets tossed around quite a bit these days. In fact, the other day I saw...Album Reviews
Album Review: Darkside – Darkside EP Will Ryan·January 9, 2012Remember 2010 when James Blake wasn’t a pop star, but a promising voice out of the R&S camp...Album Reviews
Album Review: The Roots – Undun Chase McMullen·December 9, 2011The concept album has always presented a fair amount of ambiguity. Sinatra’s In the Wee Small Hours may...Album Reviews
Album Review: Guti – Patio de Juegos Josh Becker·December 9, 2011In this day and age, when gig-announcing MySpace profiles and Blogspot manifestos are never more than a Google...Album Reviews
Album Review: James Blake – Love What Happened Here EP Rob Hakimian·December 8, 2011It’s rare that you find excitement or interest around a three track release on a relatively obscure independent...Album Reviews
Album Review: Steve Hauschildt – Tragedy & Geometry Josh Becker·December 8, 2011Back in June, we favorably reviewed House, an inviting album of cosmic ambiance brought to you by Emeralds...Album Reviews
Album Review: Miracles of Modern Science – Dog Year Rob Hakimian·December 7, 2011As a band that’s made up of a double bassist, a mandolinist, a violinist, a cellist and a...Album ReviewsRecommended