Photo: Courtney Farren

BØRNS is appreciative and amazing on “Grateful For”

There have been some fabulous tenor voices in the 21st century: Charlie Puth, Jon Sandler (from Great Good Fine OK) and Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker. But in my opinion, LA artist Garrett Borns, aka BØRNS, is the absolute best. His new single “Grateful For” is a delightful song that’s melodically a bit reminiscent of John Lennon’s “Don’t Let Me Down”.

BØRNS has a long history of delivering astonishing vocals in a way that feels almost effortless. Songs like “10,000 Emerald Pools” and “God Save Our Young Blood” are two striking examples. And his song “Electric Love” has garnered over one billion Spotify streams while earning the praise of Taylor Swift. Now BØRNS-again believers can feast on the new single, followed by his EP entitled Honeybee, which drops on January 17 next year.

“‘Grateful For’ is a conversation between two parts of me: the Midwestern kid who grew up swimming in Lake Michigan and the wandering artist who eventually made it to Los Angeles,” says BØRNS. “I loved those Michigan summers, with friends and family, getting lost in the woods and long days by the lake. That is what I’m made of. But I find myself called back to the warm embrace of California where my art was liberated. This song is about finding gratitude for the journey that keeps shaping me.”

BØRNS grew up in Grand Haven, Michigan – and I hope the mayor there selects January 17 as “Official BØRNS Day” and makes it mandatory to listen to the artist’s new EP. It’s bound to be one of next year’s most exciting releases.

Listen to “Grateful For” below, or find it on the streaming services.

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