“As long as everyone puts the song above everything else, things tend to work out ok”: An Interview with Panda Bear
BPM’s Top 50 Songs of 2024 Rob Hakimian, Ray Finlayson, Jeremy J. Fisette, Joshua Pickard, John Wohlmacher, Steve Forstneger, Chase McMullen, Carlo Thomas, Kyle Kohner, Andy Johnston, John Amen, Ethan Reis and Brianna Corrine·December 17, 2024The 50 best songs from 2024, as picked by our teamBest of 2024FeaturesLists
Album Review: Helado Negro – Phasor John Amen·February 9, 2024The cover of 2021’s Far In from Roberto Carlos Lange, aka Helado Negro, shows a young and wide-eyed...Album ReviewsRecommendedReviews
BPM’s Most Anticipated Releases of 2023 Chase McMullen, Rob Hakimian, Joshua Pickard, Kyle Kohner, Kristy Sawyer, Aleksandr Smirnov, Grady Penna, Todd Dedman, Tom Williams, Jeremy J. Fisette, JT Early and Steve Forstneger·January 10, 2023Here we are in another January facing down another year full of surprises. While some of those surprises...FeaturesLists
BPM’s Top 50 Albums of 2021 Rob Hakimian, Chase McMullen, Tim Sentz, Joshua Pickard, John Wohlmacher, Ray Finlayson, John Amen, Mimi Kenny, Kyle Kohner, Andy Johnston, JT Early, Carlo Thomas, Ethan Reis, Jeremy J. Fisette, Aleksandr Smirnov, Grady Penna and Harriet Suits Baer·December 16, 2021And so the sun sets on another year of music. This week the BPM staff have shared our...Best of 2021FeaturesLists
BPM’s Top 50 Songs of 2021 Rob Hakimian, Tim Sentz, Ana Leorne, Ray Finlayson, Chase McMullen, Kyle Kohner, Mimi Kenny, Carlo Thomas, John Wohlmacher, Ethan Reis, Jeremy J. Fisette, Andy Johnston, John Amen, Jasper WIllems and Joshua Pickard·December 15, 2021Sometimes a song says it all. Sometimes an artist produces a few minutes that provide a window into...Best of 2021FeaturesLists
Album Review: Helado Negro – Far In Tim Sentz·October 22, 2021Whenever Roberto Carlos Lange puts pen to paper, his whole world stops, then rotates in an infinite loop....Album ReviewsRecommendedReviews
Helado Negro teams with Flock of Dimes for graciously hopeful cover of Neil Young’s “Lotta Love” Rob H·October 30, 2020Like most of us, Roberto Carlos Lange aka Helado Negro is looking ahead to the imminent US Presidential...News & Track Reviews
Album Review: Ela Minus – acts of rebellion Chase McMullen·October 23, 2020Ela Minus is now. There’s simply no other way to put it. Given its confrontational title, her debut...Album ReviewsRecommendedReviews