Watch: Spiritualized play new song live

Last time we posted about Spiritualized, way back in March, it was with the announcement of last night’s Royal Albert Hall gig in London. Along with that date they also told us to expect a new album for Fall. Well, here we are in fall, where’s the new album guys? Apparently it has now been pushed back to March next year, but Spiritualized have never been ones to rush their craft, and you have to say that it’s what has made them so consistent.

So, even though the album has been delayed, their Royal Albert Hall gig was not, and they even premiered some new songs. One intrepid attendee managed to capture one of them – a seven minuter! – on his camera. We have the video for you below – there’s not much to watch since the taper was evidently trying to keep his camera secret while recording, but the sound is good so we salute you for that random taper!