Santigold has made a name for herself since 2008 by being a unique musical powerhouse who bounces between genres and is no stranger to experimentation. Her latest single – the first in several years under the Santigold moniker – “Big Mouth” is extremely fun to listen to and suggests that the time since recording her debut has been spent wisely. Tempos rise and fall, lyrics alternate sporadically between shouting and hushed whispers, and the entire thing rushes by like a chaotic tribal mantra, building in force and momentum. It’s also rather weird; watery sound effects flow throughout and in the latter half of the song cute little electronic squeaks bounce along with the natural pace of the track.
Santigold sounds incredibly alive, giving the song a natural burst of life. She chants, she yelps, she sings; her voice is all over the place throughout the track, but never seems to dominate the mix. This is a very music-oriented song that inspires the listener to get up on their feet and dance, and Santigold’s expressive vocals sound almost secondary to the electronic rhythms and ritualistic tribal beats that burrow into the brain and remain there. There is a creative energy at work here that raises expectations for the upcoming album, Master of My Make Believe, and suggests that Santigold may have learned a few interesting tricks since her debut.

[Downtown / Atlantic; 2012]