Tiffany Kintzer conquers her fear in “Lost Angeles”

Tiffany Kintzer’s hook-filled new single “Lost Angeles” joins The Doors’ “L.A. Woman” and David & David’s “Welcome To The Boomtown” on my short list of unforgettable songs about the City of Angels. “Lost Angeles” actually has more emotional vulnerability than either of those classics.

Kintzer explains: “The song is about a small-town girl moving to Los Angeles, thinking it’s all glitz and glam. It touches on the hard times you go through when chasing your dreams. At times I’ve felt completely lost and alone, questioning everything. I wanted to open up about my own struggles and share them with the world. I poured my heart and soul into this one.”

During the writing process, Kintzer was dealing with far more than the siren call of stardom. She says: “I co-wrote the song with Sam Creighton last spring. My cousin had passed away just a month before so I was still processing the grief and emotions, feeling absolutely overwhelmed with sadness. We wanted to write a song about the difficult parts of living in a big city and feeling lost along the way.”

Despite the song’s serious lyric, the music soars with bittersweet beauty. Kintzer’s previous single “Rose Quartz” also combined emotional fragility with fabulous hooks. Although L.A. is a city notorious for derailing dreams, Kintzer shouldn’t worry. Her stellar voice and songwriting skills put her on the fast-track for success.

Listen to “Lost Angeles” below, or find it on the streaming services.

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