The Black Keys have completed their new album, plan to release it this year

This one comes as a little bit of a surprise, since The Black Keys released their sixth album, Brothers, little over a year ago and have been pretty consistently touring for it since, but in an interview with Canadian website VOIR.CA the Keys’ guitarist and singer Dan Auerbach have confirmed that their seventh is complete.

Of the album Auerbach says that “it doesn’t really sound like Brothers” and that listeners should expect “more guitar and rock ‘n roll.” He also says that this is The Black Keys’ “fastest” album to date, citing The Cramps, The Clash and The Rolling Stones as the main influences. He also states that they plan to have the album out before the end of the year.

Granted, I’m using Google Chrome translator for this, but I also did seven years of French in school and I agree with Chrome. Read the full piece here, and add another album to your list of things to look forward to in 2011!