Maaike Ronhaar

Spill Gold conjure ever-morphing landscapes on “Volcano”

Hot off the release of their new album Zaza, krautrock-duo Spill Gold unveil the video for their hypnotic track “Volcano”, created by visual artist Anna Theunissen. The metallic pulse and looped guitar feedback give the impression of an abandoned ruin, as helix-like synth progressions lift the music from its funereal discord to majestic, unearthly terra firma. “Volcano” is a microcosm of the bigger themes Spill Gold evoke in the album, an embrace of nature’s lawlessness and visceral beauty: “A need for hope that longs for an anti-anthropocentric and non- patriarchal world,” as the band put it themselves.

In Iceland for example, they kind of learned to deal with that type of thing by now. Just last week, a volcano erupted in Grindavik, wiping human-made infrastructures away on a whim, and immediately changing the very landscape. The visuals created by Theunissen correlate closely to humankind’s disconnect to the natural order, as well as our warped notions of public perception.

“You view a landscape over my father’s shoulders,” Theunissen says of the video. “Because my father only has one eye, the world is flat for him. Flat mountains, flat buildings, and if he doesn’t look to the left – the side where the eye is missing – then that world doesn’t exist either. It probably filters out a lot of noise when you can only see ahead of you, while walking through the city, on the tram or walking along a mountain.”

Watch the video for “Volcano” below.

You can order your limited edition copy of Zaza at the Bandcamp Page of Paris-based label Teenage Menopause Rds.

Follow Spill Gold on InstagramFacebook and Bandcamp.