Photo: Eliza Jouin

Pom Pom Squad pushes past her hesitation on the addictive “Downhill”

Pom Pom Squad, the project of Mia Berrin, has returned with new music for the first time in three years. The track is called “Downhill” and Berrin says:

In my everyday life, I’m pretty reserved and shy so it’s odd, even to me, that I feel this pull to be on stage – to put my music out and open myself up to everything that comes with that. When I was writing “Downhill” I was thinking a lot about the push-pull between those opposing sides of my personality. Sometimes being ambitious feels like being self-destructive and I wanted to explore the line between the two. Also, it’s been nearly three years since I’ve released anything new so this song feels like my reintroduction to the world. Pom Pom Squad is soooo back, baby!”

A rollicking good time, “Downhill” is a devilishly catchy pop rocker that takes us exhilaratingly inside the opposing halves of Berrin’s mind. In the first verse, backed by skeletal guitar and synth, she describes the fear and recklessness of her last year, but she soon decides to lean into the lack of control – and “Downhill” blasts off as she announces “I’m coming back from the dead”. Now in full pomp, Berrin’s posture changes, she’s excited and proud to be selfish; “attention is the drug that I can’t quit”. The song’s addictiveness builds in layers of sonic ingenuity alongside her confidence and when she insists “get in / we’re going down fucking hill” there’s no resisting.

Listen to “Downhill” below or find it on streamers.

“Downhill” is out via City Slang. You can find Pom Pom Squad on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter.