Parts & Labor announce hiatus, give away new song and announce 10th anniversary blow out gigs to compensate

Parts & Labor are known as one of the most relentlessly rocking bands in indie music, but all that rocking catches up to you eventually, and five albums in it seems that it’s that time for the New York trio. The band have given this statement regarding their hiatus and plans for celebration:

Dear friends,

This January, Parts & Labor turns 10 years old. We’re planning a string of celebratory shows, in which we play selected material from all of our full length albums, leading up to a big 10th anniversary blow out on February 24th, 2012.

Following these performances, we’re going to take an extended hiatus. We feel incredibly fortunate having had a decade of amazing experiences — making records and new friends, performing with so many killer musicians and artists. But it’s time for each of us to focus on personal projects for a while. We’re all going to continue to make music through other endeavors.

We’d like to thank everyone who’s supported us, bought our albums, seen us live, offered us a floor to sleep on. We love y’all. As a token of our esteem, we’re giving away a final song called “No Nostalgia (featuring Todd Bailey and Where’s The Party At)”, which was recorded during the Receivers sessions, but suddenly seems all too prescient.

Dan/BJ/Joe (Parts & Labor)

Appropriately they have recorded a song called “No Nostalgia” that is available for streaming or download below.

Parts & Labor – “No Nostalgia” (download)