Recovery delivers both musically and physically. They did a great job really making this an album worth purchasing. The lyric book is thick, includes all the lyrics, and also has some great shots of Eminem. Thematically it is in sync with the serious themes of the album. The pictures show Eminem looking very reflective and somber. It also includes two album covers as the lyric book can be flipped upside down. Which is very appreciated, considering they could have just made two versions of the album, and made fans go out and purchase it multiple times. Instead you get quality packaging, that gives the consumer the option to choose whic art they prefer. Very well done.
Verdict: This is a must buy for any fan. If you liked the album, then the packaging really compliments the music. The only disadvantage is the iTunes version has two bonus tracks that were not included on the physical release. But if you are a fan of Eminem, you will want this in your collection.