Memory Tapes confirm new album Player Piano

A couple of months ago a new song by Memory Tapes called “Today Is Our Life” came completely out of the blue, and Dayve Hawk, the man behind the moniker, confirmed that it was indeed from his upcoming second album. Since then we’ve been waiting eagerly – even more eagerly than we would have been normally considering the quality of “Today Is Our Life” – to hear more details of the new album.

Today Hawk has confirmed the release of Player Piano. The follow up to Seek Magic has a confirmed release date of July 4th in Europe through Something In Construction, the North American release will be the day after and will be brought out through Carpark.

Hawk says that the album takes inspiration from “keyboard-based psychedelic girl-group songs” and rather than using programmed beats will use “drums that sound like The Kinks’ ’60s records.”

If you haven’t had the chance to hear “Today Is Our Life” then check it out below.

Today Is Our Life by Memory Tapes

[via TLOBF]