Listen: Deerhunter premier new song on BBC Radio

I’m pretty sure Bradford Cox never stops writing songs. Luckily for him he has a band who are perfectly happy to roll with it. The band are currently in the middle of a UK tour for newest album Halcyon Digest and took the time to head in to BBC 6 Music to play a little session, and quite an exciting one it was too!

Aside from a couple of well known Deerhunter cuts in the form of “Octet” and “Memory Boy” they played a cover of Magazine’s “The Light Pours Out Of Me” and a new song called “60 Cycle Hum,” which was apparently written not long before the band headed in for the session. The song marks the first time Bradford has collaborated with bassist Josh Fauver on lyrics.

You can hear the whole session by heading here. The whole thing is worth listening to, if not just for the songs then also for Bradford Cox’s random chatter. If you want to skip to a particular song then “Octet” is at the start, “The Light Pours Out Of Me” starts at 10.10, new song “60 Cycle Hum” begins at 23.40 and “Memory Boy” is at 29.20.