Listen: Ages and Ages – “Divisionary (Do The Right Thing)”


Portland’s Ages and Ages will return with a new record in 2014. It’s called Divisionary, and it’ll be released on the 25th March. The title track for the album is the first taste we have of the album, and it’s does something it’s easy to take for granted when listening to music day in and day out. Though not immediately deep, “Divisionary” makes a statement, and leaves a impression that makes you doesn’t just linger in your head, but brands itself across the walls of your mind, like it’s saying “Ages and Ages was here.” It’s more than just catchy, or something that can be esteemed for having substance. It feels like a real thing. An entity as much as it is a song.

With handclaps aplenty and some lovely collective vocal harmonies that will have you thinking about all your favourite collective bands like the Poloyphonic Spree or the New Pornographers, “Divisionary” is a burst of energy that’s one or two steps away from being entirely empowering. It might not be the glowing orb in the sky that sees over a good day, but as the track swells patiently, it can feel akin to the sight of a sunrise. Listen to “Divisionary (Do The Right Thing)” below. Do it. Do the right thing.