Gauntlet Hair sign to Dead Oceans, reveal debut album plans, give away MP3

Gauntlet Hair are a Chicago-area duo, now based in Denver, who have released a couple of 7″s over the past year on renowned labels Forest Family and Mexican Summer. Now they’ve signed to Dead Oceans, the label who, in just the past year, have released One Thirty BPM favourites The Tallest Man On Earth’s The Wild Hunt and Phosphorescent’s Here’s To Taking it Easy, which means Gauntlet Hair have quite a lot to live up to. But, if “Top Bunk,” the first song we’ve heard from their debut album Gauntlet Hair, is indicative of the rest of the album then they should be fine.

“Top Bunk” is a cavernous, neo-dance tune that’s reminiscent of so many recent artists, but Andy R’s rasping vocals and gorgeously twisting guitarwork make this song stand out. You can download the song below, and see more details for Gauntlet Hair, which is coming out on October 18th.

Gauntlet Hair – “Top Bunk”

Gauntlet Hair track list:

1. Keep Time
2. Top Bunk
3. Mop It Up
4. You Can’t Feel It
5. Light’s Out
6. It Shows
7. Overkill
8. That’s Your Call
9. Shout in Tongues

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