Photo: Dillon Jordan

Charlotte Sands overcomes anxiety on “Good Now”

The title song from Charlotte Sands’ new EP Good Now, out today, is a hook-lover’s delight. The verse and pre-chorus march steadily uphill, then the chorus drops melodically before climbing again. Those are the small touches that separate good songs from great ones…so perhaps the EP should be titled Sensational Now.

Sands has been touring nonstop this year, and waking up in unfamiliar hotel rooms can lead to disassociation. Says Charlotte: “This EP is about a lot of different experiences and stories throughout the last year of my life. My entire life my goal has always been to connect with people, it’s why I make music and why I love to perform, so when I started to experience an overwhelming disconnect from my life and the people around me I became extremely anxious, afraid that my biggest motivation and (what felt like) my reason for existing was going to disappear. I still experience these feelings every day and that fear still exists in me, but through creating these songs I was able to find peace and reassurance that I will always find my way out.”

Sands instantly shot to fame with her 2020 viral hit “Dress” (about Harry Styles wearing one on the cover of Vogue). Now fans worldwide want to see her onstage. She’s playing Lollapalooza next month before hitting 13 U.S. cities, followed by a European tour in the fall.

Every track on Sands’ new EP is a standout, so hopefully her fears will retreat and she can rest secure in the knowledge that she’s a fabulous songwriter and performer.

Listen to “Good Now” below, and find the entire EP on your favorite streamer.

Follow Charlotte Sands on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.