Photo: Daniel Mutton

BABii investigates a push-pull relationship on the sensorial and smashing “DRiiFT”

Margate-based produced BABii is releasing her second album, MiiRROR, on May 21, and with a couple of singles already out she’s today shared the colossal opener “DRiiFT”.

On “DRiiFT”, BABii laments the coldness of a partner, using her airy and disaffected voice to describe the magnetic attraction and repulsion between them, a situation that’s got her filled with confusion and frustration. She’s paired this observation with production that causes whiplash, thunderous car screeches and shattering glass punctuating her thoughts in a way that seems to emphasise how angry she really feels beneath the placid demeanour. It all comes bubbling out at the climax of “DRiiFT” where, having lulled us into an uneasy peace, BABii smashes in a dizzying drop, swirling synths and tactile beats that amplify her neuroses to luminous and hallucinogenic levels of excellence.

BABii’s new album MiiRROR is out on May 21 via Gloo (pre-order/save). You can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and she’s also got this tour planned for later in the year: