On Deck: Moreish Idols highlight five albums which guided the direction of their new album, All in the Game
The Hard Quartet release two new surprise singles “Lies (Something You Can Do)” and “Coreopsis Trail”
Album Review: Via Vegrandis – Via Vegrandis Ray Finlayson·April 29, 2013It came to me on a Tuesday night. You know those instances when a song stops you in...Album Reviews
Album Review: Matmos – The Marriage of True Minds Ray Finlayson·April 29, 2013Music and science will always have a healthy relationship, or at least until we can fully understand and...Album Reviews
of Montreal finish work on new album, Lousy With Sylvianbriar Ray Finlayson·April 26, 2013Even though it’s been just over a year since of Montreal released their last album (Paralytic Stalks), their...