Watch: St. Vincent’s 4AD session

Last month 4AD released a compilation of the best of their 4AD sessions so far (free download here). While it was an amazing compilation, you couldn’t help but look at the tracklist and notice that they hadn’t yet had some of the best artists from their roster in to perform yet. One such artist was Annie Clark aka St. Vincent, but following the release of her Recommended third album Strange Mercy last month Clark and her band paid a visit to the Shangri-La studios in Brooklyn.

Annie, dressed in typically classy dress and make up, gives us a taste of her excellent guitar and vocal work, all shot in glorious quality. You also get more of an appreciation of how much her band (Daniel Mintseris (keys), Toko Yasuda (moog) and Matthew Johnson (drums)) does to augment the sound thanks to the multiple close ups and angles.

Check out the session, which includes four of Strange Mercy‘s best tracks below.

Set list:

1. Chloe In The Afternoon (0.00)
2. Surgeon (3.02)
3. Strange Mercy (7.32)
4. Year Of The Tiger (11.52)