Lana Del Rey working with Damon Albarn, Bobby Womack and Richard Russell

By now you know who Lana Del Rey is, and you’ve probably made up your opinion as to whether you love her or hate her, but this piece of news has the potential to bring around the haters (and make the lovers even more excited for more material). Lana Del Rey has dropped a minor bombshell on twitter thusly:

[blackbirdpie url=!/LanaDelRey/status/124954076248145921]

Those are some pretty big names, and if I trust anyone to bring out the best in an artist it is Blur/Gorillaz man Damon Albarn.

There’s not really much else to say, we just thought we’d bring you this little tidbit of information to help distract you in the slow countdown to the weekend. Now go daydream about whether this collaboration will be a success or a miserable failure. If you come to any conclusions, leave us a comment with your thoughts.