Photo: Charlie Barclay Harris

Courting examine love’s mysterious duality on “After You”

The latest single from Liverpool rockers Courting is a big tangled mess of chaotic guitar riffs, percussive detonations, and industrial synth flourishes. “After You” marks a new level of dissonance for the band, a result of their near-limitless ambition and genre-imploding impulses. They offer an immediate and visceral experience, anxiety and tension building until the song seems barely able to contain them. Beneath the noise is a muscular heart that beats with an affection for chaos and the emotional volatility it inspires. 

“‘After You’ was the first song that we wrote for Lust for Life,” explains frontman Sean Murphy-O-Neill. “It is an exercise in direct songwriting, an attempt to create something very straightforward. We wanted the wall of guitars and the drums to feel almost hypnotic. A lot of the album is about the idea of duality, and lyrically – the song can be read in either a stalkerish voice or a romantic voice. It’s all up to you.”

The accompanying video was directed by longtime collaborator Charlie Barclay-Harris.

Watch the clip below.


Lust for Life, Or: ‘How To Thread The Needle And Come Out The Other Side To Tell The Story’ is due out March 14 via Lower Third. You can pre-order the album here. Follow the band on Facebook, X, and Instagram.