Here’s number nine in Sigur Rós’ Valtari Mystery Film Experiment series. The Dash Shaw-directed clip is an animated one featuring a young boy growing up and learning about the human body, which takes him to sewer swimming pools, bars, the back of a police car, and then into prison. The clip uses music from both “Rembihnútur” and “Ekki Múkk” from Valtari, which mesh togetehr rather well. And because there’s a bit of animated nudity and violence, i’m just going to be play it safe and nudge a little NSFW tag in front of you. If you’d like some more insight into the video – which is titled “Seraph” – then here’s the director’s commentary:
“oooooooooooeeeeee… oooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooo!”
I hope you got that. Watch the video below: