Track Premiere: Bailterspace – “Today”

Bailterspace -Trinine

New Zealand indie rock progenitors Bailterspace haven’t changed much in the past two decades.  Of course, there’s really been no clear need for them to vary their shoegaze/psych-guitar crunch sound even a little.  If it was good enough for Flying Nun Records fans circa ’88, then it’s good enough for Fire Records fans in 2013.  The band – consisting of singer/guitarist Alister Parker, bassist John Halvorsen, and drummer Brent MacLachlan – layer thunderous waves of distorted guitars over a punchy rhythm section that will rattle your speakers and possibly add another beat to your heart.  Often pegged as shoegaze or melodic indie rock or a number of other guitar-based aesthetics, Bailterspace are indeed the sum total of their influences and inspirations at times (as all bands tend to be), but here’s the really important part, they are not limited by them.  In fact, the guitars gain an extra kick and the drums a thudding jolt when viewed in the context of the band’s history.  This is their sound – and theirs alone.  And we’ve gotten another chance to steep ourselves in the searing guitar licks and pounding percussive thump of the band as they’ve recently released their 8th LP, Trinine, via Fire Records.

On their latest single, the cavernous and distorted “Today,” the band aren’t so much experimenting with new sounds as they are refining their already rock solid psych-rock aesthetic.  This is the sound of a band who knows exactly where they’re going and how they’re going to get there.  That’s not to say that the song feels like it’s on autopilot or simply a dull rehash of their previous material – far from it.  “Today” thrashes about violently, tossing off streaks of distorted riffage, throbbing bass, and hammering drums that seem to wrap themselves around you as you sink further into its shadowy musical mire.  There is a certain calmness though that finds a place within the clanging din.  The band manages to wrap us up in an oddly soothing shroud of dense instrumentation that feels as comforting as a warm blanket – quite a feat for a couple of guys working on their 26th year as a band.

Beats Per Minute is pleased to premiere the latest single, “Today,” from Bailterspace’s recently released album, Trinine.