St. Vincent announces new album

Since the release of the astonishing Actor in 2009, excitement around Annie Clark’s St. Vincent project has been high. Talk of a new album has been in the pipeline for a while and today 4AD has unveiled that they will release the new album Strange Mercy on September 12th.

Anybody who has seen Clark played live knows that she kicks serious ass on guitar, so when in the album announcement we are told that Strange Mercy finds her “redefining the idea of the guitar hero, utilizing the instrument as a pointillist artist might wield a brush,” we justifiably can be very very excited.

Actor was a technocolor affair, and it seems Strange Mercy will be too as she has roped in several musicians to help her bring the new album to life, including Brian LeBarton (Beck keyboardist), Grammy winner Bobby Sparks on Minimoog, clavinet, Arp and Wurlitzer, MacKenzie Smith of Midlake on drums, Daniel Hart on violin, Evan Smith on woodwinds and Phil Palazzolo.

We like the sound of that. Hopefully we’ll get a track and more information about Strange Mercy soon.