Sigur Ros have recorded their new album, plan to release it next Spring

This week Icelandic band Sigur Rós released their live album Inni, a recording of one of their final performances in London back in 2008 supporting their album Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. People may have worried that this was a release to appease fans while the band remained on indefinite hiatus, but it seems the band has regrouped and will be returning in Spring 2012.

Super sleuths Consequence of Sound point out that The Wall Street Journal has an interview with Sigur Rós, mostly about Inni, but the interview ends with all four members revealing some details about their yet-to-be-named sixth studio album.

Leader Jónsi Birgisson reveals that as soon as he finished touring in support of his solo album, Go, he returned to Iceland and “it was like coming home to see the guys again. It felt natural.” The band started to work again immediately in a new space that included a swimming pool. Initial sessions faltered due to the band “recycling” previous work, but before long they found a new groove.

The album is now completed and the Journal reports that it is scheduled to be released in the Spring. Each member has a different way of describing the new album; Jónsi calls it “floaty and minimal,” while Georg Hólm prefers simply “introverted.” Drummer Orri Dýrason describes it as “a slow takeoff toward something,” before adding that it is “ambient,” which suggests that this is possibly a vocal-less outing.

Whatever it sounds like, it’s guaranteed to be beautiful and overwhelming. We’ll keep you updated on more news as it breaks.