Shearwater announce live album; stream or buy it now. Also sign to Sub Pop, talk new album

UPDATE: In addition to the great live album detailed below, we’ve just learnt that Shearwater have signed to Sub Pop. Just like every other band it seems, and why not? It seems like the label to be on at the moment! Talking about the currently in-progress album, Jonathan Meiburg says that they’re “having trouble taming this one, but luckily, we don’t really want to.” As exciting as it sounds, don’t rush to mark your calendars yet, the band don’t expect to release it until 2012.

Shearwater the one-time side-project, now ‘proper’ band led by Jonathan Meiburg, have put a live album up for free streaming on their bandcamp. The album is called The Island Arc, so named because it was recorded at a show in Austin from January 15th where they played the entirety of their last three amazing albums; Palo Santo, Rook and The Golden Archipelago. Recorded inside a church it must have been a truly memorable experience (I saw Shearwater in a church once so I can back up that statement).

Unfortunately for us Shearwater enthusiasts the whole show has not been made available, but only ten tracks. This is, admittedly, more manageable. If you’d like to hear The Island Arc then after the jump we have all the tracks streaming. Otherwise head to Shearwater’s Bandcamp to download it for $8.