Radiohead’s new album nearing completion

Today on the British radio station BBC 6 Music Ed O’Brien, Radiohead guitarist, was the guest on Adam Buxton’s show Big Mixtape. Buxton, who has previously been involved with Radiohead helping out with their webcasts in the past, proceeded to interview O’Brien about Radiohead’s long awaited eighth studio album, and finally we got some good news.

Here are selected comments from the discussion about the new album:

O’Brien: We’re in the studio at the moment… we’re in the heart of the record, and it’s great! I’m really excited, I feel like this is the best record. It’s genuinely exciting. It’s very different from what we did last time… and it’s so nice to be making music with a band that you feel is as good as they’ve ever been.

At the end of [In Rainbows] we basically decided we are never going to do it again this way and that was kind of like the end of Radiohead mk. 2. We decided the only way that would work for us to carry on is to actually do it in a different spirit, you know, enjoy it.

Buxton: Do you have any idea when this album might see the light of day?

O’Brien: No but it would ideally be great if it came out some time this year… it’s got to… I mean I hope so.

Buxton: Do you think you’re weeks away or months away from completion? You can’t say I guess…

O’Brien: I can’t really say… for ages and ages it seems like the finishing line is miles away and now it feels like it’s in touching distance, but of course, it being the creative process, this last bit you know… it’s like anything; you have bursts of energy where you achieve a lot in certain small periods of time. Sometimes things slow down and you’re nearly there, you’re nearly there! But yeah hopefully it’s going to be a matter of weeks.

This certainly is exciting news for all Radiohead fans out there, and at the very least we know that a new album is well underway, which is never assured with this overly private band.

To hear the full extremely amusing interview you can go to Adam Buxton’s page on the 6 Music website and use the ‘listen again’ function.