New Bright Eyes Live EP to be released in July

In 2005 Bright Eyes released Motion Sickness: Live Recordings, an album’s worth of live material from their tour of that year in support of I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning. That was a pretty awesome record, and seeing as Bright Eyes have released two more albums since then, and are on absolutely killer live form currently, why the heck not release some more live material? The new release, simply titled Live Recordings, only features six tracks, but should be a good listen. Three of the songs are from newest album The People’s Key, while the other three are old favourites that didn’t feature on Motion Sickness, and have been rejuvenated for the current tour.

Live Recording track list:

1. Firewall
2. Shell Games
3. Ladder Song
4. Arc Of Time
5. Bowl Of Oranges
6. Lover I Don’t Have To Love

The EP will be released in the UK exclusively through HMV on July 4th to tie in with Bright Eyes’ UK tour. No word yet if it will see release anywhere else.