MP3: Chelsea Wolfe – “Movie Screen”

In the info for the MP3 of Chelsea Wolfe’s new song “Movie Screen,” which we have for you below, you’ll find that the genre is set to “DARK.” That describes this song pretty aptly. We already knew from the songs we’ve heard from her upcoming album Ἀποκάλυψις that she’s no straight-shooting female singer-songwriter, but this new song takes the levels of gloom a step further with twisted horns and wailing vocals. It seems like the perfect album closer, but it actually sits at track 5, right in the dark heart of Ἀποκάλυψις.

Ἀποκάλυψις will be released on August 23rd through Pendu Sound.

01. Primal / Carnal
02. Mer
03. Tracks (Tall Bodies)
04. Demons
05. Movie Screen
06. The Wasteland
07. Moses
08. Friedrichshain
09. Pale On Pale
10. To The Forest, Towards The Sea

[via Stereogum]