More details on Jonsi’s soundtrack for Cameron Crowe’s new film; will include new songs

This christmas Cameron Crowe is bringing out a new movie called We Bought A Zoo, and while we in the music world already have a lot of love for Mr. Crowe’s work, we became even more interested when we found out that he’d snagged Sigur Rós front man Jónsi to do the soundtrack for him.

Today more details about just what Jónsi has contributed to the soundtrack have come to light. It has been revealed that as well as having “Go Do,” “Singking Friendships” and “Boy Lilikoi” from Jónsi’s solo album Go, We Bought A Zoo will also feature two new Jónsi songs called “AEvin Endar” and “Gathering Stories.”

On top of this, the soundtrack includes nine new “themes” composed by Jónsi for the score.

Crowe, already a huge fan of Sigur Rós, requested that Jónsi work on the soundtrack specifically. Speaking about the music he says:

“Early on it was obvious that [Sigur Rós’] music would have a profound effect on the making of We Bought A Zoo… In preparation for making the movie, we gave all the actors and crew members a copy of Sigur Rós’ transcendent documentary, Heima… The actors listened to the music during their takes; it quickly became part of the film’s DNA.”

The We Bought A Zoo OST will be released through Columbia Records on December 13th (10 days ahead of the film’s release). Check out the tracklist below.

01. Why Not
02. AEvin Endar – Jónsi *new track
03. Boy Lilikoi – Jónsi
04. Sun
05. Brambles
06. Sinking Friendships – Jónsi
07. We Bought A Zoo
08. Hoppipolla – Sigur Rós
09. Snaerisendar
10. Sink
11. Go Do – Jónsi
12. Whole Made of Pieces
13. Humming
14. First Day
15. Gathering Stories – Jónsi *new track