Photo: Yuri Nanasaki

Meitei establishes side project as Tenka, shares the fleeting, mysterious “Nutrition”

Japanese sound artist Meitei has established himself as essential voice in music; with his Ambient trilogy that began in 2019 with the still paramount Komachi, he invited listeners into a unique world of his own making, one which reached back for traditions nearly forgotten all while forging ahead with unique ideas.

Now, he’s set to go in yet another direction with the project that is Tenka. He hopes to employ the new name to dodge expectations of theme, storytelling, or whatever else an audience might expect from a “Meitei” record. All this also allows him to dig into more personal arenas than ever before. He sought to bring the listener’s own senses closer to his own experiences. It comes in the form of an album titled Hydration.

He explains, “For me, making music is not a concept of enjoyment or pleasure, but something that becomes a part of my life, a record of my daily activities, like seeing something with my eyes or breathing in something with my lungs.

To fit in with this concept he realized he the music, to his mind, required something more tangible to go along with it. So, he created a fragrance, available via Bandcamp. He says, “I began to feel that in addition to music, there needed to be another essential element – and that it must be a ‘fragrance’.

For the time being, he’s made a single edit of the album’s first offering, “Nutrition”, which you can check out below or via Spotify.

Look out for Hydration come September 14th via Métron Records. You can find Meitei on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.