Listen: Low – “So Blue”

 Low - The Invisible Way

What has always set Low apart from other casually devastating indie bands has been their ability to make even the most cathartic song sound simplistic.   Opening with driving piano and subtly distorted bass, “So Blue,” the second single from Low’s upcoming album The Invisible Way, is a testament to the understated, and often underestimated, way that Low are able to encapsulate so much emotion and intimacy into these seemingly plain songs of forgiveness and hard-won enlightenment.  Mimi Parker really gets a chance to shine as her voice stands first and foremost as the lead of this track, and she never gives up control for a moment.  Whatever production touches Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy has applied to the band’s patented indie formula has paid off in spades.  The band hasn’t sounded this good in years.   Listen for yourself below.