Giveaway: The Cool Kids prize pack

The Cool Kids recently released their debut full-length album When Fish Ride Bicycles, which we think is very good. To celebrate this release, and The Cool Kids’ current tour, we’re giving away a prize pack of Cool Kids-related goodies.

In the pack you’ll find a signed poster of the duo, some stickers of the bicycle-riding fish seen on the front cover of the album, some Cool Kids-branded Swedish Fish candy (because, you know, the album’s kind of fishy), a key chain and some sunglasses (for maximum coolness, obviously). You can see a picture of the contents of the pack below.

How to win: To enter to win the prize all you have to do is put a link to this story on your Twitter or Facebook. Make sure you tag us in the post so that we know you’ve entered. Find us on Twitter here and on Facebook here. Here’s a tip if you want to win: if you make us laugh with your tweet or Facebook status, you stand a good chance.

We’ll pick a winner on Friday. Once you’ve entered why don’t you in the meantime go and listen to the album again? You can buy it here on iTunes, and find out more info on the duo at their label Green Label Sound. Or, more excitingly, go see them at one of these dates:

August 2nd – Denver, CO – Fox Theater
August 5th – Chicago, IL – Reggie’s Rock Club (Lollapalooza Pre-Party)
August 7th – Chicago, IL – Lollapalooza
August 9th – Washington, DC – Rock and Roll Hotel
August 10th – NYC – Brooklyn Bowl
August 11th – Westchester, PA – The Note
August 14th – Cleveland, OH – The Grog Shop

And here’s a picture of what you’re entering to win: