Dance Lessons explore the complications of sexual attraction on the stylish pop confection “Just Chemistry”

Dance Lessons are a London-based trio who put out a couple of debut singles last year, and continue to move from strength to strength as today they share their uber confident third offering “Just Chemistry”. Singer Ann expands on the themes behind the song, saying:

“Just Chemistry is about the over-complication of our relationships. It’s about the things that are left unsaid in-between the awkward text messages and conversations, and how the absence of knowing can be misinterpreted as doubt. Last year was a difficult one. For a long time, I felt at the mercy of my emotions. I doubted where things were going. I lived in the future and found it hard to commit to the present. But these moments of not knowing can be equally thrilling and beautiful. And that’s what the song is about: finding beauty in the unspoken. In most cases, it’s chemistry that makes us fall in love. Things end, all is temporary. Let’s not go to war with one another over it.”

A low-lit and sultry affair, “Just Chemistry” shows off Dance Lessons’ innate abilities at cultivating an immersive vibe. Perfect for soundtracking a late night heart to heart, which could easily combust into full-on physical love at any second, “Just Chemistry” may sound laid back, but it crackles with potential energy. While Dance Lessons lay down a groove, Ann extrapolates on the idea of sexual chemistry, oozing personality as she unfolds lustful lessons like “Sex is always complicated / even for those who claim they have the easiest arrangement.” In the delectable chorus, she delivers the ultimate truth of a sex-positive utopian society that we’ll hopefully one day achieve: “Hey, when it ends / I’m not your enemy / We are just chemistry.” Dance Lessons then throw in a steamy sax solo, wrapping things up in a stylish leather bow.

You can find Dance Lessons on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.