Photo: Samuel David Katz

Brooklyn alt-rock outfit Juice slice their way through the rollicking, panic stricken “Girlfriend Song”

Brooklyn-based act Juice deal in alternative rock that’s at once nostalgic and fresh, calling to mind the likes of Third Eye Blind or Matchbox 20 at their hit-making peaks, all while feeling entirely grounded in the present moment.

Their latest, “Girlfriend Song”, is no exception, dealing in frantic, effortlessly catchy riffs and insistent, earworm vocals, with the band digging ever deeper into their fascination with intricate production.

Speaking on the track, guitarist Daniel Moss shares, “We started out with a simple guitar line that the instrumental of the song naturally came together around. It had a sort of unhinged irony present in every aspect of the track from its conception. Lyrically, the story of a manic character spiraling emotionally just felt fitting for the sonic landscape we’d created.

The eerie video for the track, directed by Moss himself alongside Logan Regnier, features, well, two “alien robots” engaging in an intense chess match with the pieces standing in for the band members themselves.

We wanted the satirical and comedic nature of the track to drive the video. We’d been watching tons of ‘Scooby Doo’ and wanted the video to exist in that space between humor and horror. While entirely unrelated to the lyrical content of the track, a voodoo doll chess game controlled by alien robots just seemed to capture the energy of the song perfectly,” Moss muses.

Check it out below, and stay tuned for more from Juice very soon.

Catch Juice on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.