As their 25th anniversary creeps up on them, Bikini Kill have decided to start their own record label called Bikini Kill Records. The the riot grrrl punk band’s back catalog is now available digital via bikinikill.com, eMusic, and iTunes. Releases from side-projects — The Frumpies and Casual Dots — are also up for sale, alongside new Bikini Kill t-shirts and merch.
Physical releases will be put out one at a time. Bikini Kill’s self-titled EP will see a release in the fall of 2012 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its original release. The band also plans to re-release their original demo tape, which contains “songs that were previously unavailable and/or hard to find on vinyl & CD.”
We’re stoked. Head over to the new Bikini Kill site to sign up for their mailing list and check out the current digital re-releases.